We'll help you solve your buying and selling problems forever. 100% free.

We love what we do and it shows.

We're buyers and sellers, too.

While other sites give you a “free” membership, you don’t have to look very far to see where the benefits end. At Off Market Matrix™, when we say free, we mean 100% absolutely no-strings-attached free. Our buyers can set unlimited alerts and our sellers list unlimited properties. Intrigued? You should be. We want you to succeed – and we’ll prove it.

Buying Properties?

Finding properties shouldn’t be difficult. In fact, it should be as easy as answering an email or text message. Once you tell Off Market Matrix™ what you are looking for, your job is done. Leave all of the heavy lifting to us.

Selling Properties?

Let Off Market Matrix™ free up your time by pairing qualified buyers with your properties. As soon as you submit your property to Off Market Matrix™, our unique pairing service matches the details with alerts that our buyers have

Property Funding?

Whether you are buying your first property or your tenth, sometimes you just need a little extra capital. We’ve partnered with national lenders to help you get the job – and the deal – done.

Just getting started? Need someone to show you the ropes? We can help with that, too.

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